Dr. Jemil Avers Butt

Scientific Assistant and Postdoc

Dr. Jemil Butt


Dr. Jemil Avers Butt
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
  • HIL D 45.1
  • +41 44 633 34 84

Geosensorik und Ingenieurgeodäsie
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Additional information

Research Area

Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Optimal Estimation, Splines, Terrestrial radar interferometry, Atmospheric effects on geodetic measurements, Dynamic Programming, Semidefinite Programming, Estimation of Covariance functions.

Curriculum Vitae

I am a Postdoc at ETH Zurich at the chair of Geosensors and Engineering Geodesy under Andreas Wieser. I received my bachelor's and master's degree from Clausthal University of Technology for work on topological obstructions in cartography and feature-based coregistration methods for Radar images. I did a PhD at ETH and received the doctoral degree in 2019 – my focus topic was reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and their uses for spatiotemporal statistics with special consideration of applications to terrestrial radar interferometry. I currently work on optimal estimation of covariance functions, semidefinite programming and model-free optimization of measurement strategies.

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