Monitoring of the Bisglacier with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry


The occurrence of glacial rupture phenomena can pose a severe risk for settlements located further downslope and under certain circumstances may not be adequately measurable by means of conventional surveying instruments and associated data analysis. Especially problematic are estimations of the rupture time, if the thermal regime of the involved glacier admits the existence of liquid water at the glacier bed. Researchers of ETH Zurich carried out a monitoring campaign to assess the aptitude of terrestrial radar interferometry for the derivation of glacial deformation maps and to expand the data available for inferring glacial dynamics. For that purpose, the “GPRI” (an acronym for Gamma portable radar interferometer ) by Gamma Remote Sensing , Switzerland was be used.


Ice avalanches from the Northeast Side of the Weisshorn ( a 4500 m high mountain in southern Switzerlands canton Valais) threaten the village Randa and its critical infrastructure since historical times. Ruptured sheets of ice can induce avalanches, which can reach the village during winter and could possibly obstruct or destroy the canton road and the railway to Zermatt. These events are of an essentially unpredictable nature. Though researchers from ETH and VAW in collaboration with the canton Valais successfully identified two ruptures in advance in the years 1973 and 2005 with conventional geodetic methods, the usage of total stations and GNSS for glacial monitoring is linked with high costs and serious dangers for the participating scientists.

Enlarged view: An image of the bisgletscher in the back and the radar interferometer in the front
Fig. 1: Suspension glacier located at the Northeast Face of the Weisshorn and Bisgletscher with scarp. The weather protection case for the radar interferometer is visible in the foreground.

Furthermore, the data analysis is burdened with uncertainties, that can be traced back to material heterogeneity and nonlinearities in rupture process and crack formation. A paper published in 2008 implies the validity of a power law based on the self-similarity of crack formation to estimate the development of velocity over time. Even better predictions especially for the time of rupture can be generated according to the study, if one performs a frequency decomposition of the measured velocities. By following this course of action, a second component contained in the velocity time series is identified to be a sinusoidal oscillation with increasing frequency towards the rupture time. However, a final verification of the proposed model was not possible, because a part of the equipment was destroyed by glacial activity before the actual rupture event. The question is raised, how a glacial monitoring can be realized, that guarantees continuous measurements and the safety of the conducting staff

Enlarged view: Two graphs of displacement timeseries; the original one on the left and a detrended one on the right showing oscillations
Fig. 2: The displacement time series to the left is developing according to a power law. The differences between measured values and values predicted by using the power law approach can be found in the right image. The residuals show a sinusoidal behavior with time dependent frequency, which can be extracted from the time series by Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis (Faillettaz et al. 2014).

Radar Interferometry

The limitations of classical geodetic measurement devices for the temporally and spatially dense sampling of the Bisgletscher are found primarily in the area of instrument installation, recovery and interpolation of pointwise gathered data. These problems can be mitigated by the usage of a terrestrial radar interferometer, which is specifically designed for long distance measurements and can adopt roles normally reserved for remote sensing techniques. The territory will be sampled with microwaves of a frequency between 17.1 and 17.3 GHz. Each backscattering area will also be associated to a physical quantity called “phase”, which changes reproducible even in the case of small glacial movements and consequently allows the deduction of extensive deformations. The radar interferometer possesses one transmitting and two receiving antennas; if the phase differences of two pictures taken from slightly different positions are analysed, the topographical dependency of the phase difference can be utilized for the reconstruction of a digital elevation model.

Special advantages of the terrestrial radar interferometer for glacier monitoring include the extensive acquisition of movement, a high temporal sampling density and an accuracy of about 0.1mm under optimal conditions. The possibility to create a digital elevation model is useful in the sense that the recognition of long term changes in glacial topography is greatly simplified.

Enlarged view: An interferogram generated by the Gamma GPRI
Fig. 3: The interferogram was generated by the subtraction of two radar images of the Bisgletscher. Those images were taken on 2014-01-08 using slightly different antenna positions, which allows for the reconstruction of a digital elevation model


However, accuracies similar to the values found during laboratory experiments are rarely achieved in practice. This is mainly due to a height-difference induced highly variable atmosphere, which systematically distorts the phase measurements and is to this day still in large parts uncorrectable. The remoteness of the instrument location has to be considered as well: protection against lightning and willful damage is as important as the establishment of a capable infrastructure to enable remote evaluation and control in our facilities in Zurich. The data will be processed to yield geocoded interferograms depicting the motion between two different points in time, when the measurements were performed. This allows the extraction of deformation time series, with which model-based predictions like the velocity evolution over time according to the already proposed power law approach can be validated. An improvement to the models and a direct inclusion of measurements leads to an increased security for the risk assessment and will affect the quality of the monitoring and the safety of the involved localities positively in the long run.

Enlarged view: Image comparing velocities on glacier with the interferograms completely contaminated by atmosphere
Fig. 4: On the left the ice flow velocities in Line of sight on the glacier are plotted, parts with low velocities are greyed out. On the right one of the typical measurements can be seen. It is highly contaminated with atmospheric effects.
Enlarged view: A map depicting the location of the glacier and the position of the radar
Fig. 5: Relation beween surveyed area and instrument position. After the elimination of phase ambiguities, displacements can be directly extracted from the interferograms. Data:
Enlarged view: A displacement map depicting deformations of the glacier. Was generated with data from the GPRI-II
Fig. 6: Displacements are encoded in the coloring of the image. Blue / red coloring corresponds to deformation in / contrary to the line of sight of the radar interferometer located at the hut (Domhütte); the atmospheric correction was already applied.

Faillettaz, J., Pralong, A., Funk, M., Deichmann, N.
Evidence of log-periodic oscillations and increasing icequake activity during the breaking-off of large ice masses
(2008) Journal of Glaciology, 54 (187), pp. 725-737


Dr. Jemil Avers Butt
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
  • HIL D 45.1
  • +41 44 633 34 84
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Geosensorik und Ingenieurgeodäsie
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